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RESOLAR's "GST Green Swelling Technology" Stunned at the 2023 Asia-Pacific Solar Energy Conference

On December 5th, 2023, the Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference was held in Melbourne, Australia. Ms. Lv Fang, Vice Chair of IEA PVPS and Secretary-General of the   PV Committee of China Green Supply Chain Alliance (China ECOPV Alliance)  , was invited to deliver speech titled "China PV Recycling and Circular Economy Status" online. The speech mentioned extensive efforts of RESOLAR in the field of photovoltaic recycling technology and industry, highlighting its position as the only comprehensive photovoltaic recycling group in China with technological advantages of recycled silicon material.


Mrs. Lv Fang mentioned that China is about to embrace a large-scale and widespread photovoltaic recycling market. In order to accelerate the establishment of a waste recycling system and promote the recycling of decommissioned PV modules, on August 17, six ministries including the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Recycling of Decommissioned Wind and Photovoltaic Equipment," marking the first time that targeted suggestions for the development of the photovoltaic recycling industry have been proposed in the form of guidance documents.


Mrs. Lv Fang has presented for the first time internationally the precise forecast of the dynamics of the photovoltaic recycling market under typical climate characteristics in China. In the scenario of regular loss, the cumulative decommissioned PV modules by 2030, 2040, and 2050 are projected to reach 1 million tons, 12 million tons, and 55 million tons, respectively. In the early loss scenario, these figures are estimated to reach 4 million tons, 23 million tons, and 66 million tons, respectively.


In addition, Mrs. Lv Fang also highlighted the exploration and practices of PV recycling in China. RESOLAR has been deeply involved in PV recycling technology and industry for many years. It is the only whole-chain PV recycling group in China with recycled silicon material technology at its core. RESOLAR utilizes the independently developed "GST Green Swelling Technology," which, through the combination of self-developed materials, equipment, and processes, can produce 6N (99.9999%)  silicon materials. The regenerated silicon materials manufactured by RESOLAR demonstrate significant advantages in carbon emissions and costs, achieving a complete cycle from decommissioned PV modules to new PV modules.



Shanghai RESOLAR Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming a recycled material photovoltaic group with deep decarbonization. RESOLAR focuses on technological innovation and builds a world-leading solution for component recycling, impurity removal of damaged cells, recycled silicon materials and cells, and cascaded utilization of components. With professional technology and services, we help customers realize the recycling and reuse of waste photovoltaic resources, and make positive contributions to the development of environmental protection and new energy industries. For more detailed information, you can browse the official website: .